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dc.contributor.authorYudistria, Yuyus
dc.descriptionYuyus Yudistria ; Dosen STIE Ekuitas ; ( ; Jurnal Akuntansi, Vol.7, No.2, November 2015en_US
dc.description.abstractIndustrial Development Strategy objectives and Trade Center in Bandung expected to have a more comprehensive program, systematic and implementation. So hopefully there will be better synergism between planning, budgeting and implementation in the development of industry and trade centers in Bandung The method used is metode SWOT analysis can help show how the competitive position of industry and trade development centers in the city of Bandung Center of Industry and Commerce consists of Shoes Cibaduyut, Cihampelas Jeans, T-shirts and Holy Sablon, Knitting Binong Teak, textile and textile products Cigondewah, Tofu and Tempe Cibuntu and Dolls Sukamulya There are several problems that must be solved at each Sentra in order to develop sentranya based on characteristics of the Based on the analysis it is necessary to do Increase the capacity of businesses in the production process; Facilitate the development of centers; Making product differentiation; Training; Done in cooperation with the tourism sector; Cooperating with universities or institutions to improve product quality, managerial capability and packaging; Establish coordination and communication among SKPD related to businesses in the center of the development; Development of facilities / infrastructure in the center; Identify weaknesses in the supply chain; escort team in the development of existing centersen_US
dc.publisherFakultas Ekonomi, Universitas Kristen Maranathaen_US
dc.subjectStrategy Developmenten_US
dc.titleStrategi Pengembangan Sentra Industri dan Perdagangan di Kota Bandungen_US

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    Artikel Jurnal Karya Civitas STIE Ekuitas Yang Dimuat Di Jurnal Nasional

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