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dc.contributor.authorMaulani, Terra Saptina
dc.descriptionTerra Saptina Maulani ; Program Studi Manajemen - STIE Ekuitasen_US
dc.description.abstractMuseum is one of destination in Bandung. The number of tourist visiting Bandung is increasing every year, however is not a case for museum. This research aims at revealing the performance of marketing mix influence brand image and its implication toward decesion making to visit museum in Bandung. The research method employed is survey explanatory method for this method elaborate causative relationship among variable through hypothesis testing. Sample are drawn by incidental sampling method. The survey is conducted by proposing questioner as data collection technique to 100 respondents. the brand image can be increased if the implementation of marketing mix optimally. The result of this research say that brand image can be improved through the implementation of optimum marketing mis so that if the brand image has been bulid, local people or tourits can decide to choose museum as one of their destinations.en_US
dc.publisherSTIE Ekuitasen_US
dc.subjectKeywords: Marketing Mix; Brand Imageen_US
dc.subjectMarketing Mixen_US
dc.subjectBrand Imageen_US
dc.titleKinerja Bauran Pemasaran Dalam Peningkatan Citra Serta Implikasinya Terhadap Keputusan Mengunjungi Museum Di Kota Bandungen_US

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  • National Journal
    Artikel Jurnal Karya Civitas STIE Ekuitas Yang Dimuat Di Jurnal Nasional

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