Analisis Ekuitas Merek Wisata Kuliner berdasarkan Perspektif Wisatawan dan Pengaruhnya dalam Meningkatkan Nilai Pelanggan
Bandung is the capital of West Java province which experienced very good economic growth. One of the factors that influence the growth of the economy is with the development in the rapidly growing tourism sector. The city offers several tourist clusters including: culinary tourism, heritage, entertainment and recreation, and geotourism. The growth of tourism in Bandung is not only accompanied by the increasing number of visits in each year, also accompanied by the growth of business sector, both large-scale, medium and small businesses, especially culinary. Food industry centre has an important role because in addition to absorbing labor, can also be a tourist attraction to visit tourism destination. In order for food products always in demand by tourists then it should have a superior value. Customers want maximum value by searching, knowledge, mobility and limited income. increasingly perceived value perceived by the customer is the greater of a relationship (transaction). Because, this can certainly be a positive impact if the equity brand of food centers increased and also positively affected the regional economy. The research method in this research is descriptive verifikatif, with data collection tool in the form of questionnaire to tourists as respondents. The results of this study have a strong influence between brand equity and customer value with a coefficient of 0,705. And it is proven that brand equity has an effect on increasing customer value by 49,8%.