Now showing items 141-148 of 148

    • The Bank Bankruptcy Prediction Models Based On Financial Risk 

      Hilman, Iim (International Journal Of Business, Economics And Law (IJBEL), 2/22/2016)
      The Shocks In Banking Industry Became One Of Economy Instability Factor. Hence, Bank Has To Be Prevented From Bankrupt Condition Which Can Be Spread To Be Banking Crisis, Because Its Potentially Impact On Cost Of Bankruptcy ...
    • Green Banking Concept As A Positioning Strategy To Gain Brand Image 

      Prasetyo, Mohamad Hadi (STIE Ekuitas, 2/3/2016)
      The awareness of environmental preservation is the duty of every human being. In the current business world, all speaks about the concept of green. This paper is aimed at describing the concept of green banking as a ...
    • Kebijakan Manajemen Dan Kinerja Bank Pembangunan Daerah Di Indonesia 

      Sutrisno (STIE Ekuitas, 12/14/2015)
      In Indonesia, each of the respective provinces have regional bank called Regional Development Bank (BPD = Bank Pembangunan Daerah). The bank is expected to increase the economic growth in each region. The purpose of this ...
    • Pengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan Terhadap Kepuasan Pelanggan Pada PT. JNE Perwakilan Kawaluyaan Tahun 2014 

      Tambunan, Putri Rahmayanti; Suryawardani, Bethani (STIE Ekuitas, 12/14/2015)
      Development of courier, freight and logistics in Indonesia is growing rapidly. That is because the needs of customers in terms of get higher shipments, one of the contributing factor is the increasing number of online ...
    • Kajian Pengambilan Keputusan Operasi dalam Industri Pengolahan Besi Baja di Indonesia 

      Hikmat, Muhammad Tresnadi; Primiana, Ina (STIE Ekuitas, 12/14/2015)
      Iron and Steel industry are an industry that requires high accuracy in decision making because of several factors such as the technical impact of the decision, safety factors (Health Safety Environment) and the economic ...
    • Key Success Factors (KSF) of Small Medium 

      Irjayanti, Maya; Azis, Anton Mulyono (STIE Ekuitas, 12/14/2015)
      Indonesian Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) have an important role for regional economic growth for supporting national economy. As a contributor for more than 50% of Indonesian gross domestic product, SMEs become the ...
    • Pengaruh Perubahan Arus Kas Operasi, Laba Akuntansi, Suku Bunga, Dan Inflasi Terhadap Return Saham 

      Kristanto, Haris; Sumani (STIE Ekuitas, 12/14/2015)
      When investing, investors can use the information of accounting profit and operating cash flow as a company's internal information that can provide an information about performance of the company's operating performance, ...
    • Manajemen Zakat Dan Prilaku Konsumsi Mustahik 

      Hidayat, Ahmad (STIE Ekuitas, 12/14/2015)
      In essence, the economic empowerment is a dynamic process, so that changes that occur in such empowerment requires the dynamics of the community in increasing income to meet daily needs. It is irrelevant if the intended ...