Now showing items 1-6 of 6
Performance Management System Design for a Muslim Apparel Company in Indonesia (Case Study PT. BersamaZatta Jaya)
(STIE Ekuitas, 5/14/2016)
Established in 2012, PT. BersamaZattaJaya or we can call BEZAYA located in Bandung is a Company engaged in the retail trade of Muslim Apparel with its brands Elzatta, Dauky, Hasanah, and Aira. The company have some problem ...
Penerapan Teknologi untuk Meningkatkan Produktivitas Usaha Kecil Menengah (Preliminary Study padaIndustri Kreatif Usaha Kecil dan Menengah di Jawa Barat)
(STIE Ekuitas, 5/14/2016)
The role and contribution of the Indonesian creative industry are still not accompanied by the ability to improve productivity. One significant drawback is the low access to technology to assist operations. In fact, Indonesia ...
Penerapan Manajemen Kualitas dengan Menggunakan MBNQA
(STIE Ekuitas, 5/14/2016)
Education is one of the human needs of our times where education is also one of the main factors in the formation of the human person. Good personal formation starting from the good service provided by the educational ...
Pengaruh Kinerja Keuangan Terhadap Harga Pasar Saham :Studi Kasus terhadap Perusahaan Jasa Asuransi Indonesia yang SudahGo Public(Tbk)
(STIE Ekuitas, 5/13/2016)
The main purpose of this study was to analyze the influence of financial performance on stock market price changes of Indonesian insurance companies. The type of research is explanatory research has the objective to predict, ...
Pengaruh Disiplin Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Pegawai pada PT. Bank BNI 1946 (Persero) Tbk. Kantor Cabang Asia Afrika Bandung
(STIE Ekuitas, 5/13/2016)
This research was conducted at PT Bank BNI 1946 (Persero) Tbk Asia Afrika Branch Office Bandung, aimed to determine correlation of work discipline and employee performance, and also to analyze the effect of work discipline ...
Analisa Kualitas Pelayanan Pada Pelanggan PT. Titipan Kilat Jalur Nugraha Ekakurir (JNE) Cabang Batununggal
(STIE Ekuitas, 5/14/2016)
Service quality is one of the success key and the basis for building the success and profits for companies in any field. The transition era of the needs of the quantity on the need to make the quality of the company is ...