Browsing Volume 5, No.2, November 2016 by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-6 of 6
Konflik Kerja Keluarga pada Pengemudi Travel Antar Kota PT. XYZ, Bandung
(STIE Ekuitas, 12/27/2016)There is unique relations beween family and work environment. In a rapidly changing environment in which the need for the competition is higher and followed by increasing work demand, everybody who find themselves as the ... -
Analisis Pengaruh Kurs, Jenis Industri, dan Basic Earning Power (BEP) Terhadap Terjadinya Fenomena Underpricing Pada Bursa Efek Indonesia Periode 2008 – 2014
(STIE Ekuitas, 12/27/2016)are financing alternatives, one of which is to conduct an IPO or Initial Public Offering (IPO). When a company do IPO, underpricing occurs often indicated by a positive initial return. This research aims to analyze the ... -
Pengaruh Bauran Promosi Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Kopi Anjis Cabang Telaga Bodas Bandung
(STIE Ekuitas, 12/27/2016)ssing industry and the proliferation of coffee shop in Indonesia. One of the cities in Indonesia with the most rapid development of the coffee shop is the city of Bandung. Coffee shop Coffee Anjis studied were Telaga Bodas ... -
Fear of Success (FOS) dan Pengembangan Karir pada Wanita Bekerja (Studi pada Karyawati PT. Telkom, Tbk., Bandung)
(STIE Ekuitas, 12/27/2016)Fear of success is a new issue in human resource management which mostly happen to women. Because it is closely related to gender, many people are interested to learn. The purpose of this research is to analyze FOS and ... -
Analisis Pelaksanaan Rekrutmen & Seleksi Karyawan di Grand Royal Panghegar Hotel & Convention
(STIE Ekuitas, 12/27/2016)Human existence as a major factor in a services production process. This can be seen in the sector business hospitality and tourism industry (HTI). The human factor as the major spearhead in the process of giving a service ... -
Analisis Kualitas Layanan e-Commerce dan Dampaknya pada Loyalitas Pelanggan
(STIE Ekuitas, 12/27/2016)The development of information technology is so rapid, including the Internet which have a major impact for all aspects, including the development of business and marketing, it can be seen from the number of Internet users ...